‘All you do, you do it well. It would please me if you came every single day! You do a very good job with a happy attitude always. Keep it up! Your work ethic is great and done with a smile!’”
Chris Burrows, 82, Wendover
'Charis is proactive in a professional environment. She is always ready to raise and discuss improvements to my needs. She has a cheerful, happy and outgoing personality. She also gives energetic support to the work of colleagues when it is called for.’
Mansel Barling, 84, Wendover
‘The weekly attention paid to cleaning and the washing of my clothes has been exemplary. It has left me to do interesting and recreational activities which satisfy me immensely. Charis, you work well in this caring environment and fit in very well within the elderly community. Your lively, unconventional, cheerful demeaner has been ultimately uplifting.'
Beryl Hunter, 85, Wendover
Tips for simplifying domestic life.

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